08 July, 2014

The Creative Process

So I'm puttering around the kitchen, having just made the missus her lunch. Thoughts of where I'm going with the new book are foremost in my mind as I work on the ramifications of what I did to this world in my prior alternate history novel.

I find some leftover grilled hotdogs and elect to make them into my lunch. I grab two and toss them on the cutting board I just used to make the wife's lunch.

I grab a paper plate and stuff it in the reactor. *beep-beep* 30 seconds cooktime. Start.

Turn around as it starts to count down . . . and grab the hotdogs that are still on the cutting board, sitting on the counter... *sigh*

Warping History


If you have not read Sherpa Holmes, do not read this blog post!









So in Sherpa Holmes, I ripped the western half of the United States from the hands of the budding nation and gave it back to the Indians.

Now I'm firing up my research for Sherpa II. And the Great War, the War to End All Wars, World War One, whatever you wish to call it, is underway.

What have the two to do with each other? One might certainly wonder! Well, after the petroleum rush in Pennsylvania and Ohio petered out, it moved on to Texas, Oklahoma, and California. All three of those regions are now firmly within the boundaries of the Indian Nation. *GASP* What to do, what to do...

Will I have to accelerate petroleum production in the Middle East? Will that move up the timeline of the Balfour Declaration, and as such the Mandate for Palestine? How will the Arabs and Zionists react as I make this happen earlier? Will it affect the Indian Nation at all?

Will Shalik's rule of the Indian Nation, and her part in its creation affect India? Will they throw off the British rule and declare their own independency at an earlier date due to her success in the Americas?

*sigh* I tossed a pebble into the time-stream in Sherpa Holmes. Now I have to deal with the widening ripples of that effect. Oh, bother.