07 March, 2011


Let's throw this out for consideration...

We all know how the government can't stand letting the country (and its denizens) run their own lives. Nor can the people who are all for social programs stand to see money going away from their pet projects.

Let's bounce forward a few years. We're actually at the point of seriously kickstarting the private enterprise space program, be it Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, SpaceDev, or one of the myriad of other corporations vying for the ability (it may even be a private individual who finally makes a breakthrough into inexpensive and viable space travel!) to be first.

Along comes Unca Sam and the Gimme Brigade with their hands out. "We want our cut! You can't do it cheaper than NASA! You must have this installed. You must have this safety inspection. You must have this license. You must have this certificate."

What will they do trying to cripple our rise back into space?

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