13 November, 2008

Let's Do The Time Warp Again!

Wow. Has it really been 2 years since I started this blog? Told you I didn't think I'd blog much. I haven't written much at all. Got a couple items I keep sending out that keep getting me some awesome rejections slips to add to my collection.

OK, so I've been lax. What of it? Well, I've been playing with a new toy that came into my world--something that replaced an old one. See, once upon a time, I was a shutterbug, galavanting around the world courtesy of my rich uncle and his canoe club (aka the US Navy) taking pictures of various things. Oh, nothing major, really. Just simple things such as the pyramids at Giza, Rome, Pompeii, Jerusalem, F-14 Tomcats breaking the sound barrier, Soviet Kashin class destroyers, USS Nimitz nuclear carrier battle groups . . . little things.

So I was a hardcore film photographer. Me, my little Canon T70, three lenses, and several thousand rolls of Kodachrome.

Now, flash forward from the 1980's to last week. Suddenly, I was dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age.

((Fade in to a local Best Buy store's camera section))
Me: "No! FILM! I must have FILM! Kodachrome, They give us those nice bright colors, They give us the greens of summers..."
Sales Rep: "Here, check this camera out." ((Hands me a digital Nikon D60))
Me: "No! Treif! Unclean! Unclea--OOH! Shiny! I got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph..."

OK, OK, OK--so it didn't go quite like that. I did graduate into the digital age with a Nikon D60 and I don't think there will be any looking back to the T70 and film. And to tell the truth, I've been having a ball with the new Nikon.

Now for the next challenge--two days ago I finally (dare I say it?) graduate to the bifocal age. ((gulp!)) No-line, transition type lenses. Fun fun. Now not only do I have to learn how to use a new camera, I have to do it with new glasses. Thank the Father the camera is auto-focus.

Go check out what I've shot so far at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32134202@N07/

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Coolness. :) All this time and I had no idea you were a shutterbug!